Dr. A. S. Ramasastri

Dr. A. S. Ramasastri

Welcome to the World of my Writings.
Forewords and Editorials

Forewords and Editorials

for IDRBT Publicfations
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Quantitative Methods for Valuation of Financial Assets

Quantitative Methods for Valuation of
Bonds, Equity, Portfolio and Options
Thruough 100 Questions-and-Answers
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Quantitative Methods for Valuation of Financial Assets (in Chinese 中文)

Quantitative Methods for Valuation of
Bonds, Equity, Portfolio and Options
Thruough 100 Questions-and-Answers in Chinese Language


Quantitative Methods for Banking & Finance

Prescribed text book for
CAIIB Certificate Course
Written in very lucid and simple style
Useful for all bankers and financial analysts

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You, Games and Markets: Know Thyself

The history of economics is replete with examples of how the discipline has repeatedly been wrong footed in predicting or explaining real world outcomes because a completely rational human being simply does not exist. This book by Ramasastri and his daughter, Aparajitha, is grounded on that basic understanding. Drawing from their shared interest in probability theory, artificial intelligence, human behaviour and casinos, they focus on how irrational behaviour leads people into flawed decisions in financial markets.

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